Keep Your House Cool in Portland

Keep Your House Cool in Portland

It’s not even July yet and we’ve already seen back-to-back days with temperatures over 90 degrees here in Portland. Will we see another record heat wave like 2009, with temperatures soaring over 105 and evening lows in the 80s? I’m not a meteorologist or a psychic, so...

10 Easy Spring Cleaning Tips

Photo: Allegra Ah, spring cleaning… Whose idea was it to clean the whole house all at once, anyway? It can feel impossible. But these shortcuts will make spring cleaning, well, a breeze! Read on for 10 essential spring cleaning tips to save time and simplify your...

Welcome to Portland’s Hollywood!

Welcome to Hollywood!   When you hear the word Hollywood, most people think of California, but here in the metro area,  Hollywood is the name of a bustling area in inner North East Portland. Conveniently located just off of I-84 and NE Sandy Blvd, Portland’s...